Why a 6-foot artificial Christmas tree is an excellent choice for parents with newborns

Christmas is a magical time, but it can be stressful for parents with newborn babies. As you prepare to celebrate the holidays with your little one, you may wonder whether having a traditional Christmas tree in your home is safe. With babies who want to explore everything, real Christmas trees can be dangerous for them. However, there is an alternative that allows you to have the holiday cheer without worrying about the safety of your little one: a 6-foot artificial Christmas tree.

The size of a 6-foot artificial Christmas tree is perfect for homes with babies. It’s small enough to avoid being knocked over but still tall enough to showcase beautiful ornaments and decorations. Moreover, it’s artificial, which means no needles on the floor for curious babies to put in their mouths. Unlike real trees, an artificial tree won’t be a fire hazard, making it the best choice if you have a fireplace or heater.

Tips to set up your 6-foot artificial Christmas tree safely


Setting up your 6-foot artificial Christmas tree is easy, but taking some precautions is essential to ensure your baby’s safety. Here are some tips to follow:

1. Choose a sturdy and secure stand: Make sure the stand is wide enough to support the tree without wobbling or tipping over.

2. Use lightweight ornaments: Heavy or fragile ornaments should be avoided. Instead, opt for light and shatterproof decorations.

3. Keep cords and lights out of reach: Babies love to grab, pull, and chew on anything they can reach. Ensure the cords and lights are secured and out of your baby’s reach.

4. Consider a baby gate: A baby gate around the tree will keep your little one away from it, preventing accidents.

5. Place it in a safe location: Keep the tree away from hot or dangerous areas, such as a fireplace, space heater, or sharp furniture.

In conclusion, a 6-foot artificial Christmas tree is a beautiful option for parents with babies. It’s safe, convenient, and easy to set up. Following these tips, you can enjoy the holiday season with your little ones without worrying about their safety. Remember to take plenty of photos of your baby next to the tree as they experience the magic of Christmas for the first time. Happy holidays!