warm ornament

Do you love a cup of coffee every morning? Perhaps you are one of the people who like to sit around with a cup of coffee and read a book? Maybe watch the sunrise in the morning? Or you may be one of those people who have to have a cup of coffee for an afternoon jolt. In these cases, you probably consider yourself a coffee lover. And there is no reason why your 15 foot artificial Christmas trees cannot show your love of coffee! We have a few ideas that you can use to make this something really special this holiday season.

How to Decorate Your 15 Foot Artificial Christmas Tree to Appeal to Your Coffee Obsession

1. Find ornaments that are coffee mugs that may have witty sayings on them, and choose those that showcase your personality, they are going to go great with your 15 foot artificial Christmas trees.

2. Go with bulb ornaments in chocolate colors to symbolize dark coffee that you may drink. Or even find those that have a slight gold tone to symbolize your coffee with a little creamer in it.

3. Find a topper that is going to remind you of coffee. You may find that you have to make this for your 15 foot artificial Christmas trees, but it can be simple enough to do, just check out Pinterest to see what options are out there.

4. Make your 15 foot artificial Christmas trees smell like coffee by taking a small piece of material and placing some ground coffee into this, then pull it together with a rubber band and add a bow to sit this on a branch. You are going to find that this is going to really make your entire room smell like coffee!

For those coffee lovers, let the world know through your 15 foot artificial Christmas trees. You will find this to be unique and something that you end up loving.